Goodbye dot com hello dot uk!

Dot com. Remember those grey old days when to be on the internet you had to be a dot com. It was easy to remember. dot co dot uk - what a mouthful, and anyway, I'm not (yet) a company. So I've moved to a .uk domain. It was surprisingly painfree!

Change domains without losing emails - thanks exim4

So all my clients have my old dot com email address. I will tell them about my move to dot uk, but the old address is going to be used for a while yet, I suspect. There's important services with my old address(es) and all the forums I've signed up to etc.

I didn't want to lose any of these by switching to dot uk.

I use exim4 as my mailserver (MTA). I really like the way the config is broken down into manageable bits, although the syntax is a bit out there and the docs are a bit accademic.

I added an exim router to redirect all mail from one domain to another, keeping the local part the same. So →

Here's how that looks:

### 920_exim4-config_domain_change
  debug_print = "R: domain_change for $local_part@$domain"
  driver = redirect
  domains = lsearch;/etc/exim4/redirect_domains
  data = ${local_part}@${lookup {${domain}} lsearch {/etc/exim4/redirect_domains}}

And it just needs a simple text file at /etc/exim4/redirect_domains:

It seems to work really well. I can receive mail to any old address and it comes to the new.


This site used to be This was achieved through some simple RewriteRules. In the Apache default vhost I now have:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} 	^www\.artfulrobot.(uk|com)$	[NC,OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} 	^$	[NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1	[L,R=301]



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